Living in the moment

I know, know we all have read and heard about the importance of ‘living in the moment’. Who needs another post about this right?
That’s what I though too while writing this particular blog post but It’s like the more I think about it the more I begin to realise the importance of living in the moment.

This past weeks I had a very busy schedule of managing classes, test, assignment, my blog, cooking, doing my laundry while still aiming for my 7 hours of sleep and well after a few days I was drained to the bone. 
Even though I managed them all I couldn’t do anything as productive as I was doing and the most eye opening thing was I couldn’t find a reason to write, the thing I enjoy doing the most, now, seemed like a chore.

I know many of us could relate to this type of situation where everything seems to be working out but we’re not feeling fulfilled or as if something was missing.

I was listening to a song this morning while getting ready when I realised that I don’t recall the last time I was genuinely enjoying a song.

Many of us search for that perfect moment, we work so hard to find that happiness. We stay awake late into the night just to get the life we think we might get if we work hard.
I do believe that hard work is the key to success.
But working hard doesn’t mean you have to suffer and sacrifice the happiness you could get in that moment for an unknown future.

Hard work doesn’t necessarily need to be a bad thing,
You have every right to be working hard and getting that future but what do we know what might happen to us even in the next second.

Why do we push our happiness to an unseen future?

Try breaking that thought in your head that studying is hard, the job is boring, the chores are too cruel.

Hating what you are doing is not going to make it any better.

If what you are doing drains you, find another road, the sky is limitless my friends, you don’t have to be doing what everyone else is doing. 

We just have one life, and sooner or later we will be gone, our remains cannot stay forever.
Live it how you want to live it as long as you are happy.


  1. The timing of this post is impeccable.Really needed this today.Much love❤

    1. it's so easy to want so much that we lose track of our present moment.
      always glad that i could help


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