How to be happy with yourself

I do agree that as humans we cannot live in separateness from the rest of our kind and yet along our search for greatness we begin to diffuse in the crowd misplacing who we truly are.

It took me a lifetime (well I’m just in my twenties but still a lifetime) to know how to be truly happy with myself, that no one else can play my part better in this lifetime of mine than I did.

These are the few tips that I have learnt from my experiences and the lessons I have absorbed from the words of inspirational people

1. You are perfectly all right

Being an introvert I had always loved my alone time and even as a kid I enjoyed my alone time rather than playing in the sun.

I was perfectly happy with the way I was until came high school and noticed that my peers thought that the kids who were all alone to be a little odd and as a teenager being odd were
the last thing I wanted to be. I tried to be like them and I was unhappy

Life has her way of teaching us valuable lessons and she taught me how to value who I was by letting me try to be someone for a while.

You might think that your body isn’t right or you talk too loudly, maybe too soft or you find no interest in things everyone else seems to love and you begin to hate the difference in you.
The step to true happiness begins in you, the art of goodness starts with you and it begins when you appreciate who you are and the options, value and gifts only you are capable of giving.

    2.      Doing the things you love

We call ourselves busy doing the things we hate to do for an outcome that doesn’t bring us joy.
Life is so short, it slips like sand through your fingers and before you realize it, you have done more things that you hate that you love.
Yes, for being good at what we do or to hold success in our name we need to work hard but does that bring you happiness when you are done with it.

As a student, I need to take out certain time to write this blog and that means a few extra hours of getting up early and pushing through my works but I enjoy it and I find deep happiness when I know I could help someone through it.
What brings you happiness could be totally different from mine but take out the time and do the things you love which could be as simple as painting your nails or taking the dog for a walk.
Built on the things you love and if you want to, you could make a living on it, like maybe a nail salon or a dog trainer. No job is high or low, it’s the passion, happiness and dedication that makes the difference.

3 3.       Getting rid of negativity

Just as the sun shines through and radiates her life to us, when we surround ourselves with a positive atmosphere we absorb that into our lives.
I know how hard it is to get rid of negativity, we hold onto it like it’s inbuilt in us and with time we forget how much we have let it affect us.
I know everyone talks about letting the negative people out of our lives and yet we fail to check if we are that person.
It all begins in the mind and just as rats and cockroaches are seen in dirty ill-kept places, we cannot attract negativity if we do not give it space to thrive in us.

The easiest way out of this for me is to
·         Force positivity into my thoughts
·         Think of what is going right for me
·         Acknowledging that being negative about a situation, place or thing isn’t going to make it any better
 But like everything in this world, it takes practice. Be persistent in what you do and with time it becomes easier and easier.

44.       Prioritize your health

When I mean health it means both physical and mental health. At the end of the day remember that your health is more important than your grades, jobs, salaries or even people.
There is nothing wrong with taking a break, after all, everyone has their limit.
Know that even if you aren’t getting the grades you want, the salaries you aim for or hate the job and people you work for there is nothing wrong with putting your health first.
If you aren’t healthy you will never be able to give your maximum best.

Though there is a clear-cut line between hard work for what will make you happy and be doing the things you hate that is mentally draining your health.

Take care of yourself


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