ways to start over and start fresh

The road gets rougher, your feet bruised from the run, sleepless nights hang from the lids of your eyes and your worried thoughts louder than the storm you're running through, that my dear is the sound of a fresh beginning.

It’s easy to have a limiting belief that we need to process certain traits or be of a certain age and gender in order to do things we wished we could.

It’s this limiting belief of ourselves that have pushed us down, we wire thoughts in our hearts that in order to start again we desperately need things to be exactly how we wish them to be.

But they aren’t 

And this is the reason you have to begin again.

To find a purpose why you aren’t happy with yourself and start again

It’s easy to forget that all of us had started their life with nothing.

We began this life with nothing and yet cradled with love in our mother’s arm.

For most of my life I have dread the inevitable change that life brings on our plate and if you’re anything like me staying fixed to one place and doing the things I had always done seemed like an enough good reason to stay exactly where I was.

I had dread change so much that I actually skipped a year before going to college, but a year of boredom and being totally aimless without any purpose taught me that I needed to embrace the change that comes in my way if I wanted to take the next step.

Here are some tips that I have personally learned and have helped me on my journey to begin again and start fresh.

1. Accept Change
Just as I have already said we need to accept the part where we need to change to make the next step.
We need to allow ourselves to know that we might not be the same person we were before but we are going to learn and become a better person from this.

2. Get up, take the step

Take a deep breath, get up and take the first step. It’s the first step that is always the hardest and the other steps they come with momentum.
Tell your heart to be brave just for a second and leave the things that needs to be left.
Look back if you need to but don’t go back.

3. Making a list of the worst things that could happen.

We’re all guilty of not making a change because of the ugly situations that might arise from it.
Write down everything that you believe could happen from this and try to find a solution for each of the problems. 
This will make you realise that they aren’t as bad as you’ve made it to be and if it happens you already have a solution for it.

4. Acceptance 

Know that things cannot always be right and good. 
Know that you might fail at what you worked so hard for.
Accept them. Cry if you must and feel the waves of sadness that it brings.
After this is over get up and built the courage to start again. 

Start over and over, you do not want to regret this short life you were given because you were too scared of failing and getting hurt.


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