The small things that make other things bigger

You might be a 12-year-old on her way to class or a 21-year-old trying to make a living, you might be in your forties earning well, living in a house by the sea relishing a life others can only dream of or you might be in your fifties still struggling to make both ends meet.
When you were born you were given uncountable choices and they looked similarly unknown,
and at one point we all begin to wonder what are the things that truly matter.
Is it a big house, friends, family, money, health?

when we look back it's the seemingly miniature details that add the most flavour to our memories.

The 10 little things that make other things bigger are:

  1. A smile from a stranger 

Location: Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Science

You're having a horrible day, maybe your favourite coffee shop closed down or the work you've been working on all summer while your friends were out on a vacation turned out to be for nothing, it could be anything but it indeed made your day less doable and by all laws you have every right to be sad and upset about it 
But then out of the gloominess of your day, a stranger you have never seen before took up some time just to give you a genuine smile and for some reason, it lightens up a tiny spot on your gloomy day.

   2. A sunrise after days of rain

Location: Manipal

We all love the cosy atmosphere the rains gifts us with but after a while when we start having a runny nose and the laundry hasn’t been dried for weeks and you’re running out of clothes to wear. You wake up one morning to hear the birds chirping and to feel the hot warm touch of the sun.

 It feels like a new beginning.

3. A good cry 

You’ve been bottling up that feeling for a long time you're doing your best to be strong, you're trying your hardest to blink those tears away but drop after drop falls onto your face, you take a deep breathe and let it all out knowing that being able to feel pain is a blessing too.

4. Listening to music

Whether it's a beautiful morning or a lonely night knowing that there will always be the right song which understands you perfectly.

5. walking barefoot

Location: Malpe beach

The sands gliding through your feet, the grass tickling your soles or the cool rush of water crashing above your feet. There are experiences, not even the most stylish saloon or spas could offer.

6.  A good cup of coffee

Location: Aizawl, Mizoram

You wander into your favourite coffee shop as you could already smell that delicious smell of roasted nuts miles away, and this morning your coffee is exactly the way you want it to be; it has the right temperature, flavour, texture and oh! it smells so heavenly and to top it all the latte art looks divine.

7. A good sleep

Location: Endpoint, Manipal

You wake up with the sun, went for a run and you just know that it's going to be a beautiful day. You feel refreshed and have gotten a good undisturbed 8 hours of peace. You are ready to take on the world. 

8. When someone took out their time to help you

We live in a busy world where everyone is bustling through their everyday work and when someone decides to look out for you, help you, it could be as small as holding your bag or maybe offering you some food. It's always a nice feeling to know that someone cares.

9. Having a family

To have someone to go to at the end of the day when nothing goes right, where you can wind down and be yourself. Knowing that it isn't perfect but it works hard to be a good one. Where you know you are loved beyond yourself.

10. Yourself

Your messy hair and the scars on your face, the stretch marks on your thighs and stomach that you try to cover up. The passion that keeps you going, your kindness, your laugh and the tears that you hide. You are bigger than you think you are. You might seem like a little thing on earth but you indeed are the little things that make things bigger.


  1. It's a lovely post ๐Ÿ’žLoved it❤ Keep up the good work๐Ÿ’–

    1. Thank u very much
      Especially for your never ending support

  2. Great Job! !! Keep It Up! !

  3. ❤ it..keep up the good work Priscky.

  4. Beautifully written๐Ÿ’›❤ Keep going girl!

    1. Thank you
      Won’t be this motivated with all of your support

  5. bawihte... tha lutuk... caption nalh deuh deuh ho kha aw..


  6. This makes me feel better, like always.
    Keep going Priscilla ❤

    1. I am so grateful my writings could do that for you. ❤️

  7. Awesome dear.......keep going


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