How to believe in yourself

From the beginning, the only person who had been there for us is no one but ourselves.
For every step of the heartbreak and success, no one knows the struggle and the joy except you, yet it's difficult to believe in this person who had stayed true to us all this time.

Believing in ourselves when everyone else seems so much better than us is not at all easy and sometimes it's downright hard and cruel. We look at the people around us, we compare ourselves to their success stories and we begin to doubt our potential.
The sad truth is that we think that those successes and glory only belongs to someone else and not us.
We fail to acknowledge the fact that we are capable of anything we wish to be and it all begins in the mind.

Here are a few points that can help you to believe in yourself.

Take heart sons and daughters of man,
Never put down what your hearts and hands could fulfil.
~Priscilla Lalnuntluangi

There are no shortcuts but the answer is never a no for those who choose to not give up. Set your mind and train it to see the person you could become.
Remember that everyone started somewhere, made a beginning and a choice to carry on even when it seemed unrealistic and unattainable.
There will always be a breakthrough.
If you can dream of it, you can achieve it.

What if our sun thought it was just another star and refused to shine?
~Priscilla Lalnuntluangi

You might not remember the time you said your first word or the day you took your first step, where would you be now if you had not believed in yourself back then. On your first day of school, if have you believed that reading and writing was not for you, you won't be reading this blog.
If you could do it then, you could do it again.

A load is heavy when carried in one day
A load is light when carried one day at a time.
~Priscilla Lalnuntluangi

Try doing something you have never done before but remember to give yourself time to grow and this is the reason taking baby steps is so important, making a small change or building a habit one day at a time and staying consistent to it. 
You'll be proud of yourself when you look back at the old you which will give you confidence.


I completely will not believe in the idea that you were born useless, we are all here for a purpose and listing what you think you are good at could be a great reminder of what a wonderful person you are.


Without its leaves, the tree was thought to be dead
~Priscilla Lalnuntuangi

I know that life isn't a confetti but there is no harm in throwing one for ourselves. It doesn't always have to be a big occasion.  You got up early this morning celebrate it, took an exercise, Wow! celebrate that. The small successes are the ones that will build up the big ones.


A euphonious song of a singer started with the cry of an infant
~Priscilla Lalnuntluangi
(This beautiful handiwork belongs to the Lushai tribe)

Didn't you always want to try something out or be better at what you already know?
Be ready to learn, once you know you are good at something it will give you assurance that once you set your heart into anything you could be good at it.


The average length of human gestation is 280 days or 40 weeks.
If we were supposed to be alike, we will be as soft as clay
Anyone can change it how they like, but we are made of flesh and bones
~Priscilla Lalnuntluangi

For as long as I could remember I always worry about what others thought of me, I worry I wasn't liked enough or that I would be thought a creep and whatever people would say about me I would take it straight to the heart. I began to lose who I was in the process.
We fail to recognize that we are individual beings and just because you aren't like everyone else doesn't mean there was anything wrong with you. 
You don't have to love what others claim they do, you don't have to dance with the crowd if that isn't what you love to do.

Believe in yourself for there is so much you are capable of, you are here for a reason and you can only find that reason once you begin to believe in yourself.


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